Has Dubai’s Princess Latifa Al Maktoum been murdered?

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    • #261
      Commodore C

      Dubai’s leader likes to project an air of kind benevolence to the world. However, there is a much darker side to the little island kingdom. It may be ruled by a disciple of Satan himself.

      After watching her father the Sheik arrange a few murders and torture her siblings well known Princess Latifa Al Maktoum attempted an escape from her father’s kingdom. She was caught and spent over 3 years in jail where she reports she was beaten and abused regularly by her father’s jailers. Eventually released to home captivity and told the next time she tried to leave she would be killed, nevertheless as a grown woman she tried again this year with the aid of a for hire former spy for France and a friend.

      As a just in case measure she prepared a video for the world explaining what had and was happening. A link to it is below. The Princess and her helpers made it to a small yacht and were fleeing across the Arabian Sea when their ship was intercepted and boarded by the crew of Indian Navy warships. The Indian Navy crew was accompanied by agents of the ruler of Dubai, the Princesses own father. The Princess was tied and transported to a helicopter which then flew off. The Dubai agents took her helpers and the yacht itself into captivity and brought them to the UAE. The thug who rules Dubai is also the Prime Minister of the UAE. Eventually after experiencing harsh interogation to find out who else assisted in the escape they were released and from the safety of another country told reporters what had happened.

      Here is the video Princess Latifa Al Maktoum arranged to be posted on YouTube should the escape attempt be unsuccessful.

      There has been no trace of Princess Latifa since the morning she was hog-tied and placed aboard the helicopter. It is quite possible that once sufficient altitude was reached to ensure zero chance of survival, she was simply tossed out by her father’s agents into the Arabian Sea to become fish food.

      If you are a tourist planning to visit Dubai, or someone thinking of doing business there, it is strongly suggested you listen to the last words of the rulers daughter and re-think your plans. First, any place ruled by a monster who murders even his own children, simply for trying to leave home is not a safe place to visit or do business. Second, a kingdom ruled by someone who has his children tossed out of helicopters is as bad as any terrorist nation and indistinguishable from such. Doing business with Dubai or the UAE is therefore essentially the same as supporting terrorism.

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